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Call to Arms - 2024

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I'm a USMC Vet and have seen my fair share of guys losing the fight to their demons. In the pic is LCpl Serna (on the left), he was my best friend, my drinking buddy, and the guy I spent countless hours playing games with. 7 years ago his demons got the best of him. He was the happiest either behind the wheel of his car speeding down the highway or gaming with the boys. I believe if we knew about Stack Up, they could have helped start the healing process or at least helped him hang on one more day knowing he wasn't alone. I can honestly attest that even in my darkest days, gaming with the boys reminds me I am not alone, and an organization revolving around that I believe can do a lot more good than just traditional medication and therapy alone.  Please help me raise money to help Stack Up keep up the good work so that the only boss fights that our service members have to face are the ones on the next level and not the ones within. 
