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Call to Arms - 2024

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Hi, my name is Mitch, aka TheNightsWrath. I am a veteran of the United States Air Force and an advocate for men's mental health. I am also a streamer on Twitch and I use my platform to bring light to men's mental health issues. I firmly believe that society has put men in an awkward place where it can be so confusing and difficult to know what it means to be a man and how we are supposed to deal with the stresses of life. I believe that as men we should never stand alone and that we should face this life and all its challenges together. I do my part to provide a space where anyone can come and be vulnerable without fear of being judged for it. We're told as men to either be in touch with out feelings and share them, or we're told that we should be stoic rocks that never show weakness or emotions. No matter what we do though it seems we are judged as either unapproachable or to weak and it puts us in a spot where we feel alone and confused. I stand against that image and I am here to show what it looks like to have a healthy balance of emotional maturity and knowing when and how to check those emotions as needed. Most importantly I'm here to let you all know you are not alone! 
